Balkind – OSHWA Open HW Trailblazers Fellowship
CS Ass't. Prof. Jonathan Balkind receives a $100,000 grant to disseminate knowledge from his OpenPiton and BYOC open source hardware projects, as well as from others across the UC

This past May, Balkind was awarded the Open Source Hardware Association (OSHWA) Open Hardware Trailblazers Fellowship. The year-long fellowship provides $50,000 or $100,000 grants to individuals who are paving the way for open source hardware in academia.
Through this new initiative, OSHWA will bolster the expansion of open source hardware into academia by developing a library of resources for others to follow. This library will be comprised of the fellows documented experiences as they create their own open source hardware across a diverse range academic environments.
Jonathan Balkind (he/him) is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of California, Santa Barbara, where he co-directs the ArchLab. His research interests lie at the intersection of Computer Architecture, Programming Languages, and Operating Systems. Jonathan received his PhD and MA from Princeton University and his MSci from the University of Glasgow. He is the Lead Architect of OpenPiton and its heterogeneous-ISA descendant, BYOC, which are productive, open-source hardware research platforms with thousands of downloads from over 70 countries worldwide. Jonathan was a Class of 2018 Siebel Scholar and recipient of the Gordon Y.S. Wu Fellowship in Engineering. Since 2021, he has served as a Director of the FOSSi Foundation.