E. Hsieh: COE Outstanding CE TA

Graduating students in each undergraduate degree program within the College of Engineering select one outstanding teaching assistant (TA) to recognize for their service and dedication to student success with Computer Engineering TA Eric Hsieh receiving the recognition

photo of eric hsieh

Excerpt from the College of Engineering News

Eric Hsieh, an electrical and computer engineering master’s student, admits that he has occasionally doubted his ability to be an effective teaching assistant for this year’s computer engineering capstone courses. That is why he often took time to reflect on his time as an undergraduate student and consider what help he would need most as a student in that situation. He also thought about how supportive TAs were when he was an undergrad, most notably, Min Jian Yang and Connor Sanchez. All of that reflection seems to have paid off, because the Class of 2024 selected Hsieh as Computer Engineering’s Outstanding Teaching Assistant. 

“This is my first year being a teaching assistant, and I often doubted whether I was helping the students,” said Hsieh. “I am pleased to know that I have been able to assist them in their academic journey. It has been a rewarding experience working with everyone in the class, and I appreciate them for giving me this great honor.”

While pursuing his master’s degree with an emphasis in control systems, Hsieh has been assisting in the lab of ECE professor Luke Theogarajan, working on electronics for electro-wetting experiments. Researchers in the lab aim to improve lab-on-a-chip systems for the field of microfluidics that can be widely implemented without requiring excessively high voltages. Their work could greatly enhance automation and portability for chemical lab analysis. After completing his master’s degree, Hsieh plans to work in industry, although, he says returning to graduate school to pursue a PhD remains a possibility. 

“I have an insatiable thirst for knowledge and a commitment to lifelong learning, and I would love to help those who share the same passion,” said Hsieh, who grew up in Taipei City, Taiwan. “My dream has always been to become a teacher, and I have been a volunteer tutor for junior high school students the past three years. Receiving this award has reaffirmed my plans and boosted my confidence in achieving my goals.”