CS & ECE 189 Senior Capstone Projects
During the senior year, CE students are required to take the Senior Computer Systems Project courses also known as the Senior "Capstone" Project. This course helps satisfy CE Major Degree Requirements in the Senior Elective Study Plan.
The Capstone Project gives CE students the opportunity to put their education into practice. Students, working in small teams, design and engineer innovative hardware and software systems using techniques from robotics, distributed systems, circuit design, networking, and real-time systems to tackle problems and create a final "tangible" project.
Every year at the end of the final quarter the projects are presented at full-day, industry-supported events where student groups publicly present their projects and participate in a project demonstration and poster event.
Senior Project Courses
Student groups design a significant computer-based project. Groups work independently with interaction among groups via interface specifications and informal meetings.
Computer Science 189A/B
Instructors: Profs. Chandra Krintz (CMPSC 189A) and Dahlia Malkhi (189B)
Throughout this two-course sequence, student teams engage in all aspects of an engineering problem including design, prototype, testing, deployment, and public demonstration. The course is based on a learn-by-doing approach in which teams employ cutting-edge software technologies, tools, and engineering practices to construct significant software applications and systems.
Unique to the UCSB CS Capstone is industry collaboration. Top companies from around the country partner with and mentor student teams. Industrial participants propose project ideas (that range from well-defined to wide open) from which student teams choose, as part of short, competitive “pitches”. The CS 189 senior project series culminates in a public project presentation and demonstration by each team at Summit CS in March.
Electrical and Computer Engineering 189A/B/C
Instructor: Dr. Yogananda Isukapalli (ECE 189A/B/C)
ECE 189A/B/C is a year-long capstone project course sequence in which Computer Engineering (CE) senior students design and implement an embedded computer system. Working in small groups of four to six, the teams draw on the strengths of each member, and projects are intended to be the culmination of the student's undergraduate education, incorporating both significant hardware and software components and, in some cases, mechanical components as well. CE Capstone Projects offer students real-world experience in the lifespan of developing an embedded system: identifying a problem, designing to required specifications, managing budgets and printed circuit board fabrication, and delivering their finished product on time.
CE capstone projects fall into several categories: (i) Student defined projects, in which students come up with the design idea on their own; (ii) Industry-sponsored projects, in which an industry partner specifies a design challenge of interest to their organization; (iii) Research group projects, in which a research group at UCSB poses a design challenge; (iv) Student project competitions, in which students enter as contestants in an organized competition.
ECE 189 senior projects will be showcased at the end of the Spring quarter at the ECE 189 Capstone Project poster session and resentation event.
CS 189 Capstone 2025 Project Event
Information about the CS 189A/B Course
The summit.cs event for CS 189A/B will be held on March 14 (Fri), 2025 at Henley Hall
2024 Best Projects (2025 Coming Soon!)
- 1st Place – Brandon and The Verilog Survivors / RealityReal (Appfolio): A platform for creating professional quality real estate videos in minutes
- 2nd Place – APPLE.PY (Artera): a smartphone Apple watch platform w/ easy to access info about alcohol safety
- 3rd Place – LOGOS (Veridise): the creation of a common Intermediate Representation (IR) for all frameworks
ECE 189 Capstone 2025 Project Event
Information about the ECE 189A/B/C Course
The event for ECE 189A/B/C will be held on TBD, 2025 at TBA location
2024 Best Projects
- 1st Place – Homeflow (Demo Video)
- 2nd Place – Chirality (Demo Video)
- 3rd Place – USV (Demo Video)