Friday, June 7th, 2019
Electrical & Computer Engineering 189 Projects
Morning (ECE 189 Capstone Event)
9:00am-12:00pm – CE Project Presentations in the Engineering Science Bldg (ESB), Rm. 1001
Afternoon (COE Engineering Design Expo – EDx)
1:30-3:00 – EDx Poster Session in the Campbell Hall Courtyard
About the Course
- Instructor: Dr. Yogananda Isukapalli (ECE 189A/B/C)
- ECE 189 Instructor's Course website
- COE Capstone Projects website
ECE 189 Capstone Projects (2017 & 2018)
ECE/CS 189 & ECE 188 Projects & Events (pdfs)
2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003
2019 ECE 189 — Sponsors
- Lead Sponsor: QUALCOMM
- BLiPS - Arthrex
- Cloud Control - AeroVironment
- Drone Scout - LGS Innovations
- Eternal Flight - Toyon Research Corp.
- Hands-On Flight - Arveng Technologies
- IEA Linguistics - IEA Lab
- Watchdog - NASA
- Laritech
- Vast Circuits
- Sunstone Circuits
MORNING SESSION — 9:00am-12:00pm
9:00 – Opening Remarks: Dr. Yoga Isukapalli

Hands-On Flight (Engineering Innovation in CE Award)
9:05 – a glove embedded with an array of sensors that provides intuitive real-time control over a drone
Sponsor: Arveng Technologies
Team: Oscar Wang, Alex Berlanga, Eduardo Olmos, Juan Reyes, Miguel Berlanga

IEA Linguistics
9:30 – an interactive voice assistant that incorporates natural language processing and automation to assist integrated circuit product engineers
Sponsor: IEA Lab
Team: Ryan Kirkpatrick, Dali Xiao, Dang Nguyen, Min Yang

Cloud Control (Best CE Capstone Poster Award)
9:55 – wireless communication system which remotely transmits voice data to a drone which then broadcasts it to any targets below
Sponsor: AeroVironment
Team: Andrew Thompson, Anna Lee, Brent Morada, Reed Taylor

10:20 – aids astronauts in correctly adhering to mission procedures by utilizing computer vision and sensor embedded tools to provide guidance when necessary
Sponsor: NASA
Team: Ryan Lorica, Anzhe Ye, Jiacheng Liu, Jingzhe Chen, Liqiang Mei

Drone Scout
10:45 – a self-contained, FPGA accelerated millimeter wave radar system capable of collecting detailed information of drones, such as size and speed, in a targeted area
Sponsor: LGS Innovations
Team: Austin Hwang, Anthony Chen, Maga Kim, Sung In Kim

11:10 – a real time indoor positioning system that tracks the movement of doctors and nurses in an operating room environment
Sponsor: Arthrex
Team: Matt Speck, Ahmed Saied, Amber Du, Kevin La

Eternal Flight (Qualcomm CE Capstone Award)
11:35 – an in-flight battery exchange system that extends drones flight time by eliminating the need to land and recharge
Sponsor: Toyon Research Corp.
Team: Aditya Wadaskar, Kyle Douglas, Richard Boone, Sang Min Oh, Sayali Kakade
Poster Session in the Courtyard — 1:30-3:00pm
Student teams from Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Electrical & Computer Engineering will be displaying posters and presenting final prototypes of their full year senior design projects. During this time, a panel of judges will be reviewing all the projects and selecting award winners. Attendees are all invited to explore the various projects, speak to the students, and enjoy some complimentary refreshments.