
College of Engineering's course grid to help CE students complete the required units
During the Junior year, students select two sequence topics to satisfy CE Electives to be taken in the Sr. year
In the Sr. year, all CE majors are required to take either the CS or ECE 189 Sr. Computer Systems Project courses

Degree Requirements

To receive a Computer Engineering degree from UCSB, students must satisfy the following requirements:

MAJOR – Computer Engineering Program (CE) Degree
GENERAL EDUCATION – College of Engineering (COE) and UC, Santa Barbara (UCSB)

Degree requirements listed below are for the academic year of 2024-25


MAJOR – Computer Engineering Degree Requirements

* Major requirements are administered by the Electrical & Computer Engineering Dept's Student Affairs Office

Preparation for the Major (TBA units), Upper Division Major (68 units) and GPA requirements must be satisfied.

2024-25 COE "GEAR" Guide Info for the CE Major

2024-25 UCSB General Catalog Info for the CE Major


CE Curriculum

Requirements Course Selection Course Selection
Preparation for the Major (TBA units)
  • CMPSC 16 (4 units)
  • CMPSC 24 (4 units)
  • CMPSC 32 (4 units)
  • CMPSC 40 (5 units)
  • ECE 1A (1 unit)
  • ECE 1B (1 unit)
  • ECE 5 (4 units)
  • ECE 10ABC & 10AL/BL/CL (15 units)
  • ECE 15A (4 units)
  • MATH 2AB or 3AB, 4AB, 6A (20 units)
  • PHYS 7A, 7B, 7C, 7D, 7L (16 units)
Upper Division Major (68 units)
  • CMPSC 130A (4 units)
  • ENGR 101 (3 units)
  • One Capstone Course ECE 189A-C (12 units) or CS 189A-B (8 units)

Plus CE Senior Elective Sequences (36-40 units) – this must include 1 Capstone course:

  • ECE 152A (5 units)
  • ECE 154A (4 units)
  • ECE 139 or PSTAT 120A (4 units)

CE Senior Electives

Requirements Information Publications / Forms
Senior Elective Study Plan

Junior year Senior Elective Sheet due

1 Senior Capstone course required:

  • ECE 189A-C (12 units)
  • CS 189A-B (8 units)

Courses with "L" indicate Lab – course names are located in the Legend box on the right



* COE General Education and General University Requirements are advised and administered by the College of Engineering

COLLEGE – College of Engineering (COE) - General Education Requirements (GEAR pgs 11-12)

All undergraduate students must satisfy the general education (General and Subject Area) requirements for the COE

UNIVERSITY – UC Santa Barbara (UCSB) - General University Requirements (GEAR pgs 11-12)

All undergraduate students must satisfy University academic residency, UC Entry Level Writing Requirement, American History and Institutions, unit, and scholarship requirements.

For more detailed COE & UCSB GE requirement info see COE Academic Advising

Pubs & Courses

GEAR (General Engineering Academic Requirements): CE, COE, and UCSB requirements, overviews & more – from the most current year back to 2012-13

UCSB General Catalog: major and minor requirements, course descriptions and prerequisites & more

UCSB Schedule of Classes: all undergrad and grad course schedules listed by quarter

ECE Courses: tables of undergraduate and graduate courses instructed each quarter

CS Courses: courses and more

Curriculum Contacts

Computer Engineering Majors

ECE Student Affairs Office

Beth English
Trailer 380, Rm 105
(805) 893-8292

Joanna Villalobos
Trailer 380, Rm 101
(805) 893-5368

COE / UCSB Requirements &
Transfer Students

COE Office of Undergraduate Studies
Harold Frank Hall, Room 1006
(805) 893-2809

Course-related Questions

ECE Courses
Trailer 380, Rm 101, 105 OR

CS Courses
Harold Frank Hall, Rm 2104

Contact other Colleges and Departments directly

Course Name Legend

Electrical & Computer Engineering
  • ECE 1A: Computer Engineering Seminar
  • ECE 1B: Ten Puzzling Problems in Computer Engineering
  • ECE 3: Introduction to Electrical Engineering
  • ECE 5: Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • ECE 10A/AL;10B/BL; 10C/CL: Fundamentals of Analog & Digital Circuits and Systems
  • ECE 15A: Fundamentals of Logic Design
  • ECE 139: Probability & Statistics
  • ECE 152A: Digital Design Principles
  • ECE 154A: Introduction to Computer Architecture
  • ECE 189A-C: Senior Computer Systems Project

Course Names w/ "L" indicate Lab

Computer Science
  • CMPSC 8: Introduction to Computer Science
  • CMPSC 16: Problem Solving w/ Computers I
  • CMPSC 24: Problem Solving w/ Computers II
  • CMPSC 32: Object Oriented Design and Implementation
  • CMPSC 40: Foundations of Computer Science
  • CMPSC 130A: Data Structures & Algorithms I
  • CS 189A-B: Senior Computer Systems Project
Other Departments
  • ENGR 101: Ethics in Engineering
  • MATH 3A: Calculus with Applications, First Course
  • MATH 3B: Calculus with Applications, Second Course
  • MATH 4A: Linear Algebra with Applications
  • MATH 4B: Differential Equations
  • MATH 6A: Vector Calculus with Applications, First Course
  • PHYS 7A: Basic Physics
  • PHYS 7B: Basic Physics
  • PHYS 7C: Basic Physics
  • PHYS 7D: Basic Physics
  • PHYS 7L: Physics Laboratory
  • PSTAT 120A: Probability and Statistics
  • WRIT 1E: Approaches to University Writing for Engineers
  • WRIT 2E: Academic Writing for Engineers
  • WRIT 50E: Writing & the Research Process for Engineers

Course Names w/ "L" indicate Lab

Not sure who to contact?

ECE Undergraduate Advisor
Trailer 380, Rm 101, 105 OR