Three CE students, Nazar Rybii (EEL Amor) and Boning Dong & Trenton Rochelle (Scopen) honored at the finals of TMP's New Venture Competition (NVC)

Yogananda Isukapalli, an associate teaching professor in the ECE department, has been named co-recipient of the Northrop Grumman Excellence in Teaching Award

Three Computer Engineering students, Boning Dong & Trenton Rochelle (Scopen) and Nazar Rybii (Eel Armor) reach the finals of the UCSB Technology Management Program's New Venture Competition (NVC)

Camsari, an Ass't. Prof. of ECE, and colleagues conceive a device usually associated with stable information storage can be modified to be extremely sensitive to thermal noise, offering a source of randomness for probabilistic computing